티스토리 뷰

추천의 쪽지


두구두구둥 2006. 5. 17. 20:10
우리 언니와 내가 좋아하는 노래,,,SADDEST DAY입니다...^^*
조용하면서 통통튀는 음색에 굴러가는 듯한 목소리까지...

절묘한 조화가 있는 노래...

그러나 제목에서 알 수 있듯이
전혀 명랑 상쾌한 음악은 아니라는 것...^^
하지만 기분이 쳐져 있거나 답답할 때 들으면 기분전환되더라구요,,,(개인별로 다르겠지만요,,,^^)

노르웨이에서 건너온 EPHEMERA의 음악 들어보시겠어요??? 추천해 드립니다.^^



Sometimes one and one can't be two
Sometimes she just gets enough of you
She says you're almost too good to be true
She says she doesn't love anyone but you

But what is the worst thing a girl can do?
I saw you came alone on your second round
She didn't stay the course
She's no longer yours, longer yours, longer yours

She knows it takes time to learn
She knows it's much easier to turn away, turn away

She says you're almost too good to be true
She says she doesn't love anyone but you
She says you're almost too good to be true
She says she doesn't love anyone but you

But what is the worst thing a girl can do?
I saw you came alone on your second round
She didn't stay the course
She's no longer yours, longer yours, longer yours

But what is the worst thing a girl can do?
I saw you came alone on your second round
She didn't stay the course

She's no longer yours

But when she sees that little break
Was a big mistake
I venture to say that'll be her saddest day
saddest day, saddest day, saddest day, saddest day

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